Smarter Driving

A more intelligent approach to road safety

Smarter Driving is our comprehensive learning platform for building safe, sustainable and inclusive journeys.
Where other programmes simply recap specific driving skills such as parking and manoeuvring, Smarter Driving covers all elements of safe mobility. From managing emotions, to sharing the road, to eco-driving, the course provides your employees with actionable insights to benefit every road user.
With this unique focus on wellbeing and behaviour, Smarter Driving does more than reduce risk: it empowers your employees to complete every journey with confidence and care.

How does the course work?

Bite-Sized Coaching Modules

Decades of research and industry experience are condensed into a series of bite-sized coaching modules.
Each module contains a comprehension assessment to gauge user understanding.

Monthly Assessments

Developing long-lasting habits requires repetition, so each month, we send users a short assessment of scenario-based questions covering something from each of the modules. Users apply what they learned to engaging, realistic road scenarios.

Dynamic Drive iQ Score

Users’ performance in the modules and monthly assessments feeds into their personal Drive iQ Score. The Score is a dynamic reflection of their understanding.
At the start of the next year, their Drive iQ Score is reset, allowing them to revisit the modules and new monthly assessments.

Personal Report

At the end of 12 months, we send users a report that summarises their performance over the year, across the modules and monthly assessments.
This is a chance to review where they most need work and where they can be confident in their understanding.

What does the course cover?

  • Safe journey begin before we get behind the wheel. Understanding proper journey preparation, pre-driving checks, and focusing on developing healthy habits, can help us ensure the safety and comfort of ourselves and other road users.

  • Adapting to various changes in lighting, weather and road conditions isn't just beneficial, it's crucial for your safety. Developing strategies to modify our driving in these conditions can help us navigate these challenges with confidence.

  • The road is a shared space, so we need to pay special attention to vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists, and animals. Taking care when interacting with these users helps to make our roads safe and enjoyable for everyone.

  • Maintaining safe space on the road is essential for the safety of yourself and others. It not only prevents collisions and gives you more time to respond to hazards, but encourages a culture of respect and understanding on the road.

  • Speed is more than just a number on the dashboard, it’s a vital element of safe driving. Safe driving means understanding what causes us to speed and learning strategies to adopt appropriate speeds for different driving scenarios.

  • Safe driving requires you to be aware of what's happening around you and the potential dangers it poses. Constant alertness allows you to react appropriately to potential hazards on the road, keeping everyone safe.

  • Every journey we take shapes our environment, and every drive is an opportunity to make a positive impact. Smoother driving helps to minimise our fuel usage and our environmental impact - it's kinder to our vehicles, our wallets, and our planet.

  • It takes 100% of your focus to drive safely. Every journey requires our complete attention, and common sources of distractions (such as mobile phones, loud music, and other passengers) can put everyone at risk.

  • Lots of us reach our destination with no clear memory of how we got there. We drove 'on autopilot', but this is a source of risk. It's crucial to develop strategies to regain conscious awareness when we drift into automatic processing.

  • Time pressure can dramatically alter our behaviour on the road. It leads to risky choices and an increased chance of making a mistake, so it's crucial to develop an effective time-management strategy: make a plan, prepare and adopt a proactive mindset.

  • Effective coping mechanisms are vital for safe and enjoyable driving. They help us deal with background stresses, respond more effectively to hazards on the road, and develop the right level of confidence to keep everyone safe.

  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol not only endangers the driver but everyone else on the road. It impacts every aspect of safe driving, including our perception of risk and our ability to respond to hazards. Driving sober means driving safely.

  • Fatigue severely impairs the skills required for safe driving. It reduces your reflexes, alertness and risk perception. Ensuring adequate rest, planning your journeys, and reflecting on personal driving habits can make all the difference.

  • Understanding the consequences of a crash is crucial for responsible driving. It's important to develop and adopt a safety-first approach to the causes of collisions, and know what to do if one happens.

  • Safe driving not only means developing strategies for managing emotions, fatigue and sharing the road, but reflecting on our journeys. Every journey we take is an opportunity to learn and improve our driving.

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We’re excited to work with you!

We've made it as simple as possible to get started with any of the Drive iQ courses.
If you’d like to see what Smarter Driving can do for your fleet, fill in the following form and one of our team will get in touch as soon as possible to schedule a demo.
Just some of the benefits of Smarter Driving include:
  • Enhanced employee safety, well-being, and performance
  • Reduced frequency, severity, and costs of crashes
  • Improved employee / business performance and brand protection
  • Lower fuel bills and CO2 emissions
  • Duty of Care and CSR/ESG requirements